Facebook pages with a wealth of news and information
- Forces Nederland
- FedCaf, Federatie van Café’s in België
- Petitie tegen het rookverbod vanaf 30 juni
- Roken is ons recht!
- Stichting Rokersbelangen
- Tabakja Farmanee
- Tobak Jataks støttegruppe
- Action on Smoking Bans
- Anti-smoking Exposed – Tobacco Control Out Of Control – Fighting Back
- Australian Smokers Rights
- Campaign Against Smoking Bans In Psychiatric Units (CASBIPU)
- Cambridge Citizens for Smokers’ Rights
- Citizens Lobbying Against Smoker Harassment
- FACTAsia.org
- Forces International
- Freedom to Choose
- Friends of Forest
- Horecaclaim Europe
- M.A.S.H. (Michigan Against Smoker Harassment)
- MyChoice Australia
- No Government Funding of the Smoking Cessation Industry
- Northern Kentucky CHOICE – NKYchoice
- Smokescreen
- Smokers Against Discrimination
- TICAP (The International Coalition Against Prohibition
- The Passive Smoking Conspiracy
- The Smoking Gun
- The War on Smokers and the Rise of the Nanny State
- UCLA Smokers United
- EU will einen Krieg gegen Raucher – Den kann sie bekommen
- Keine Tabak- und Alkoholprohition in Österreich! Raus aus der EU!
- Netzwerk Rauchen e.V.
- Neuer Volksentscheid gegen das Nichtraucher Gesetz
- Rauchverbot – Kneipensterben in NRW!